Nine people who are running for City Council positions in Keene will stop long enough to talk about the issues during a candidates forum at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 18, at the Keene Community Center.

Doors open at 6 p.m. The public is encouraged to attend. There is no admission charge.

The candidates for three seats on the City Council will answer questions from 6:30-7:45 p.m.

The Mayoral candidates forum is 8-9 p.m.

The candidates (in order their names appear on the ballot) are:

Place 1: Samantha Gillin, Ray Johnson, and Troy Smith

Ward II: Gwen Beeson (unopposed)

Place III: James Belz, Terry Foster, and David Read

Mayor: Gary Heinrich and Lisa Parrish 

The questions for the Council candidates are:

1. How can the city address the negative comments about Keene on social media, especially when many are inaccurate of biased?

2. What ordinances do you feel are important to our community and what ordinances would you propose?

3. Have you reviewed the city’s budget? How do you propose to improve the city’s financial position?

4. What is wrong with Keene and how can it be fixed?

5. What is right with Keene and how can it be maintained?

6. How will you determine the will of your constituents? How will you know your council vote reflects the majority of their opinions?

7. How are you currently involved in the community?

8. How do you feel about growth in Keene? What is your position on growth.

9. As a City Council member, what do you hope to accomplish in the next two years?

10. What should I vote for you? (ONE MINUTE)

Mayoral Questions

The candidates for mayor will have one minute for an opening statement. They will be asked the same questions as the Council candidates, plus the following three questions:

1. The mayor controls the Council agenda. How open are you to Council members and/or residents placing items on the Council agenda?

2. How involved will you be with the day-to-day operations of the city?

3. What is your opinion of acquiring new debt and increasing the tax rate?

Each mayoral candidate has ONE MINUTE for a closing statement.